Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Novel Of MIne.. how about urs??

  Hey people.. Do you like to read? Or maybe you do read occasionally, but you're picky on the topic. because I am of them too.. i was picky at the first part in choosing the topic especially i prefer to go by the author yet if I know them well enough, I can find out exactly what I like to read. We all have a favorite book or magazine.  As  you, I have my favorite books by the author Nicholas Sparks. I was impresses with the author Nicholas Sparks. He is an amazing author and has written many best sellers. I have all the collection of hers. His stories are mostly about family and life experience.The Last Song is my favorite novel because it has an excellent plot; wonderful, unique characters; and a great life lesson.

To say frankly I watched the movie of this novel first  which was staring by Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth. And that"s where I started to like her novels.The Last Song is my favorite book because Nicholas Sparks created an awesome plot. It is about a girl whose dad finds his wife cheating, and he leaves them. The daughter becomes angry towards the father and doesn't speak to him for three years. This is definitely a plot that several teenagers can relate to. Ronnie, the main character, meets a young man named Will when she visits her dad in NOrth Carolina.How everything fell together in The Last Song was marvelous. Nicholas Sparks' fabulous plot is an unquestionable reason as to why The Last Song is my favorite novel.

Sparks had a ironic characters, which made me to feel them more closer to us. Ronnie's father, Steve is really great man that I've ever heard about and Will, he is a guy that you will sure love. He is any girl's dream guy, smart, and of course romantic. however Marcus, eww!! his character were the only one that i hated the most. i think that's what Sparks wanted it to be. I was seriously teared out at the climax of the story. Okay okay guys don't worry M not going to spoil your mood by telling you the important part of the novel moreover It would be much more interesting you read it by yourself. Sparks had worked hard to bring out the best out of all the characters and hats off..

Finally, I have honored The Last Song as my favorite novel because Nicholas sparks included a wonderful life lesson in the midst of the story. To be honest, the majority of people who have read this book might not have even noticed this, and Sparks might not have intended to include a life lesson at all, but he did. What I gained from this book was that if your parents or friends or any other family members split apart, it is okay to feel angered, but don't reject and ignore them, because when they are gone and cannot come back or reply to your messages and letters, that is when you will really and truly miss them. We must all cherish our loved ones while they are here with us still. Any moment could be the last moment that we have with the,. "Appreciate and cherish the loved ones you have now, for they are not promised to you tomorrow." I believe this quote to the deepest depth of my soul, and it is my opinion that Nicholas Sparks, by writing The Last Song, has given us a perfect example of what the quotation above means. Sparks' hidden life lesson goes without speaking as one of my favorite things about my favorite work, The Last Song. The true I am facing this situation in my life and I decided to forgive and accept back them in my life .. A lesson this thought me..
 Anyways this is MINE.. What about YOURS?? 

deAr cOffee... yOu Are My Love..!!

I am sitting here on my couch having my sip of a strong coffee. its really the best moment of the whole day. the only problem of mine is that " I LOVE COFFEE".  I love the aroma of fresh brewed coffee, the taste but especially the smell of fresh whole beans. I LOVE COFFEE. 

At least a cup of coffee a day would make my day perfectly complete. Now i think coffee doesn't keeps me awake because of too much of coffee consumption.oh yea everybody .. siNce m A coffee cRazE, I Like to shAre soMe iNforMatioN thAt i knew abOut the fAvourite BeverAge Of aLL...

 dO yOU kNOw tHat :
  • there Are 24 steps in cOffee Process.
  • goAts Was ActuALLy diScovered the coffee pLAnt. Due to their hyper actioN, their shepherD follOwed their every Move, And thAts where he fOund out thAt they were a strAnge berry which keeps thOse Goats Awake all daY anD night.
  • The Most SeVere puNishmeNt for driNking cOffee wAs beiNg seWn iNto a Leather bAg aNd tOssed aLive iNto the SeA.  
  • Our knOwLedge Of coffee is About 1000 yeArs Old.
  • cOffee Can actually used to fueL our VehicLe.
  • One study shOwed thAt peOple whO draNk 4-6 8-ouNce cupS A dAy hAd A 28% Lower risK Of diAbeteS.