Tuesday, April 19, 2011

fiNaL eXaMinatioN

In a person’s life, there is a series
of exams or tests to be faced and passed.
But final exams are effortless.
Therefore, here is something to say with a smile.
A variety of tests
helps us to be our best.
Some are easy and some are hard.
With diligent preparation
An individual can take charge.
It has been proven the sacrifice
of time is often the price to pay.
But how happy I am
In a person’s life, there is a series
of exams or tests to be faced and passed.
But final exams are effortless.
Therefore, here is something to say with a smile.
A variety of tests
helps us to be our best.
Some are easy and some are hard.
With diligent preparation
An individual can take charge.
It has been proven the sacrifice
of time is often the price to pay.
But how happy I am
On my graduation day...!!!

On my graduation day...

PiRate Of cArrIbEaN...

Jonny depp in pirates of Caribbean was really remarkable. His character as captain Jack Sparrow as one of the most ‘interesting’ pirates ever seen on film. Depp claims his inspiration for Captain Jack Sparrow came from mixing Rolling Stones’ Keith Richards and the cartoon skunk, Pepe Le Pew. Interesting idea which taking a pirate and infusing in him the characteristics of one of rock and roll’s most out there stars. The Pepe Le Pew thing I don’t get, but Depp’s a genius so he must have had a reason for that bizarre choice. What ends up on screen is a pirate who staggers around like one of those Weebles I had as a kid the toy that wobbles but doesn’t fall down). He sashays, struts, and basically Weebles his way through the film.
So what’s “Pirates” about? Basically it’s pirates stealing from pirates, pursued by pirates who stole from the British fleet who are bringing up the tail in the pursuit chain. Need something a little more in-depth than that? All right… Captain Jack Sparrow’s chasing his fate Captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) all around the waters of the Caribbean in a quest to get back his ship, the Black Pearl (hence the movie’s title). Barbossa led a mutiny that overthrew Sparrow and deposited him on a tiny island to die. Die he didn’t and now he wants his revenge.
Sparrow’s search brings him to Port Royal and a fateful encounter with Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley), daughter of Port Royal’s Governor. Though he actually did a good deed (it's Disney so pirates aren’t all bad), the British Navy and Governor Swann (Jonathan Pryce) plan to string him up. Plans for his hanging are interrupted when Captain Barbossa attacks the town, kidnapping Elizabeth. Will Turner (Orlando Bloom), Elizabeth’s best friend since childhood, enlists the aid of Captain Sparrow to rescue her. While all that sets up the story, the most important thing to note is that there’s a curse on the crew of the Black Pearl that causes them to live forever as the undead. So if they’re the undead, how are Sparrow, Turner and the ragtag crew of misfit pirates Sparrow recruited going to fight them.
Depp as Sparrow is the reason to see “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.” Black eyeliner, gold teeth and all, Depp’s one of the very few actors of his generation who could have pulled this off.

rebeCca bLAck- FriDAy

       "It's Friday, Friday, Gotta get down on Friday... Everybody's looking forward to the weekened. ... Friday, Friday... Yesterday was Thursday, today is Friday. ... Tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday comes afterwards. ... " words in no time. Yes.. Name you need to know right now, Rebecca Black. She and her song ‘Friday’ really awful. First of all, the lyric of her song doesn’t make any sense.. the next is her voice. Its really terrible. I just cannot bring myself to say anything but my ears are bleeding after hearing this Friday nonsense. Say what you will that it's catchy and all that but to me I could not be more disinterested.

       Who the heck is this girl? How did she get a record deal? Why is she sitting at a bus stop, if her friends are picking her up in their car? Why is she so indecisive about whether to sit in the front or back seat? If the girl standing to her right is her friend, then is that girl on her left her frenemy? Did the general public REALLY need to be informed that Thursday comes before Friday, or that Sunday comes after Saturday? And most important is what is wrong with this girl??

       Honestly, I am not sure if these questions will ever be properly answered. But I do know that "Friday" is the churned-out product of a Los Angeles based company called the Ark Music Factory, which sends out casting calls looking for singers between the ages of 13 and 17 to record its songs and, if all goes well, become overnight YouTube stars as like Justin Bieber. Rebecca Black's "Friday" is Ark's first major hit and after this, I sincerely hope it's the company's last.
       This song makes me want to set my head on fire.